

girl on floor sitting in leaves

Toys are just

Inanimate objects

With no life,

And no hearts

What a shame

You can toss them on the floor

Or hang them high on the shelf

You can play with them if you want

Or throw them away in the trash

They’ll love you back

Help you cover and hide

Each scar and crack

But when the tears stop falling


They’ll get thrown aside


Toys are replaceable

You never love one more

Than you’d love another

When it breaks

Or becomes too broken

You just toss it in the bin

Then buy a new one

There’s plenty to choose from

They are everywhere

You’ve always enough resources

You can do more

Than just to stop and stare


Toys are fun

When they are happy

But when they become

Something not so shiny

They lose your affection

And all of your time

Just remember that

Toys are just extras in life

You pick them up

Or put them on a shelf

Either way

They live and breathe

But only by the owner’s request


The Toy


Image by cdlitestudio

Wind her up, look at her go

She spins round & round

Just say the word

And she’ll do what she’s told

Just like any Toy should


Her painted smile

Fake rosy red cheeks

She’ll laugh, she’ll cry

Whatever pleases Thee

She’s just a Toy

To play with


Her costume a lovely color

Her body so impure & imperfect

She’ll do whatever

You ask of her

Cause that’s

How the Toy works


Make her laugh, watch her dance

She’s such a glorious Game

When she slows

You can feel her woes

Not such a great Toy after all


Dazzle her with kindness

Show her she matters

Then she’ll have no reason

Not to believe you

Toys don’t have minds anyway


When the paint of the mask fades

& her batteries run low

When she can do nothing but bore you

You’ll toss her away, she knows

Cause Toys just come and go


Maybe instead of the trash

She’ll sit back on that shelf

Cause No matter what

A Toy should be fun


So when she ceases to be that

Just toss her aside

& get another one


Toys are Replaceable

Toys are Cheap

Toys are Fun

When laughs still come

But once tattered and torn

You have no more choice

She’ll go to the rubbish

Because no one loved her

The Most