
I’m Sorry

I’m sorry your heart gets broken

Time and time again

I’m sorry you’re only a token

In the games people decide to play

I’m sorry you feel all alone

Lost with no hand to hold

I’m sorry your tears keep flowing

Hidden in the shadows

With no one knowing

I’m sorry you have no words to speak

With no love, no hugs,

I know life looks bleak

I’m sorry you’re not strong

As you were before

But you’re the only one left

Who can lift your heart up

Drag yourself from the depths

Stand tall and scream

“C’mon life!

What’s next?”



sunset colorful


Beautiful is not

A word that describes me

Beautiful is not

What I see

Beautiful is not

Something that’s within me

Beautiful is not

What I’ll ever be


Beautiful is a flower

Or a lovely spring breeze

Beautiful is a painting

That helps my soul release

Beautiful is a melody

And words from which they spring

Beautiful is a child’s smile

And that’s no longer me


Beautiful is love

That comes true from the heart

Beautiful is caring

When the world falls apart

Beautiful is sharing

When you barely have enough to start

Beautiful is knowing

What you are and what you are not


Beautiful is not

Sharing your body

But not your heart

Beautiful is not

Where you hide

From your inner thoughts

Beautiful is not

Tears, sadness,

Or what’s in the dark


Beautiful is

When you share

Your mind, your thoughts

Beautiful is

Taking a stand

When you know what’s right

Beautiful is

Facing your loneliness

Even when you hide in plain sight

Beautiful is

Being what you are

And not faking what you are not


Beautiful is not

A word that describes me

Beautiful is not

What the mirror shows me

Beautiful is not

My laugh, smile or thoughts

Beautiful is

All those things

That I am not


Me? I’m No One

Who me?

Well, today not so good

you see

there’s sad melodies

playing…on a rotation

just enough of each

little pin pricks

to remind me

of how much

i don’t measure up

i’ll admit it

though hard to say

i was never that much anyway

but, for a moment

i had hoped

that just maybe

there was a treasure

under all this skin of a faker

just a simple thought really


there was someone

somewhere…you see

someone who could, who would

just be happy with only me

oh that sweet ecstasy

of at least a moment in time

to be good enough

to fill such large shoes

and to have

someone who would choose

to catch you when you fall

way down there

on your knees

yeah i was raised in America

where they beat you with

the idea of the magic

sweet kisses, loving hugs

tender hearts that continue to shower

love on each other….forever

we’ve all heard it

the songs, the stories, the words

everyone speaks as though it is real life

some speak on star dust

or the light vs. the dark

the ultimate battle for Love

back and forth, tossing and turning

but oh the movies, the tv

it screams at us….Dare to Dream

dream of that love with magical ILLUSIONS

faeries and unicorns, books with tall tales

hugs that last for days,

the way…he…smells

memories of something never there

for it was a dream

just a mere fantasy, nay nightmare

reality shows the truth, honest and bright

mirrors, they shine truth’s light

on the scars that hide in the shadows

the things no one knows

not even your mind

can admit to that knowledge

just an empty shell stands before you

shaken, taken, lost….destined to lose

no help for it, it’s just how Its fused

just more flaws in the construction

the walls don’t stand tall

but rather sway with prevailing winds

that storm around

walls, they do crumble down

they fall with the loudest crashing sound

but never fear

when the bricks falls and clamor here

the tears too fall aplenty

in this desert full of fear

i Am, i Know This

BROKEN beyond repair

my advice to you, kind person

one who wishes to help

and listen

toss aside those you can not fix

for the Lord makes anew

what HE…Deems…Fit

we are all but lost sheep

in the minefield of hell

awaiting, watching for the signal

to go on home, to leave this place

your name will Not remembered

but only REPLACED

by the next one in line

for you were naught but a toy


while you bother Masquerading as a Queen

another sick illusion

your mind dared to dream


but…your time is over

there is no more music to sing

no more words to share

nothing that would

Mean Anything to Anyone

feast on the pain they say

sit down, open a vein

cry and struggle, bang away

until you get it under control

HA! I say!

i see the fires, they melt the edges

they swim and flow to me

burning my feet

but while lost i am frozen

in time

i take a look inside

i see all my errors, mistakes, the fakes

the smiles never earned

a light inside that never shone

words never ever spoken

turns never taken

i’ve wasted it all like some small token

slipped into the machine of life

sorry player, you lost

no more lives, no turns for me

it’s so over

there’s nothing left

but this Odor

the stale stench of something

always rotten

hidden behind the words

of the dark and fallen

no more….just…mights

nor more…of your fights

cave in, go away, forget you knew me

i’ll never say

what i did or where i went

just know surely

there will always be a rain

on my horizon

i can fly…up there…somewhere

i can see it, when i dream of dying

the one last fantasy that truly beats

my reality

one last pain to bear, last tear to shed

never remember my words of plight

but yet know the feeling

Is Realized

words that have been spoken

fade like flowers do

we dry, we decay

become a part of the clay

for the next generation

to mold and make

all things must become Anew


inspired by: Adele’s remake of Bonnie Raitt’s I Can’t Make You Love Me